Microfiction: Two stories about bravery

The Three Kids

There once were three little kids. Their names were Hunter, Breezy, and MK. All three of them stayed in a constant state of worry because of the big bad wolf. The kids decided that they needed to build a house to protect them from the big bad wolf. So, the kids went off into the local village to see what they could find to build a house. Hunter came back with straw, MK had wood, and Breezy had bricks. They built the biggest, strongest house they could. They were ready to battle the big bad wolf! They waited and waited, but the wolf never came…


Bibliography: English Fairy Tales, by Joseph Jacobs, illustration by John Batton, 1890, Link, “Three Little Pigs”


Author’s Note: This story is based off of the classic fairy tale, “Three Little Pigs”. I inserted people into the story instead of the three pigs. Also, I made all three kids live together instead of building separate houses. I changed up the plot of the story by not having the wolf make an appearance at all. I tried to leave the story as a cliffhanger. 

Being Brave

Don’t be afraid to be brave!

The Wolf! (By Pixy)


  1. hi levi,

    i liked your microfiction! this is a good one to turn into microfiction because it's so universally known, so no matter how short or long it is, people will recognize the plot elements. where did your inspiration for the new names come from? i also liked that you changed the ending to where the wolf never showed up. that would certainly be nicer. good job!


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