Reading Notes: Chinese Fairy Tales Part A

 Why Dog and Cat are Enemies:

Dog: very loyal to his owners, wants everything to be steady financially for his owners. He insisted that cat find a mouse, so they could get the ring back from the chest. He formulated the plan to get the ring back. His flaws are that he is not as athletic as the cat, so he is not able to reach the owners before the cat brought back the ring

Cat: is also very loyal to his owners and wants things to go back to normal financially. He teams up with dog and catches a mouse, so the mouse can carve through the hard wooden chest and bring the ring back to the cat. The cat is very clever and sneaky, so after he and dog cross the river, he jumps on top of roofs in order to beat the dog back to the house. 

The owners: treat the cat much better than the dog, since the cat brought the ring back to them

Hollywood Cast: If I had to cast this story, the cat would be Johnny Depp and the dog would be Owen Wilson

The Plot: I really liked the plot of how the cat and dog planned to return the ring back to the owners, but I like dogs better than cats, so I was biased. 

Bibliography: The Chinese Fairy Book, by R. Wilhelm and translated by Frederick H. Martens (1921): Link

Chinese Dog: (Source: Wikipedia)
