Growth Mindset

 I had never heard of Carol Dweck nor the growth mindset before until I watched her TED talk. I see myself as an individual who likes a challenge from a sports perspective, but I often get intimidated when tasked with a difficult academic challenge. I’ve learned that I am a visual learner, and I often have a difficult time learning material and preparing for exams if I do not have a visual aid to help me learn. I usually look to YouTube for videos on the subject to help me learn. I’ve noticed that if I do not have visual aids to help me study, I usually do not do very well on the assignments and exams. I’ll definitely be excited about learning more about the growth mindset this semester since I will be a high school teacher after I graduate this May. My personal goals for this semester is to get a 4.0 and finish my senior year strong. I really liked Alfie Kohn’s response that along with changing the attitudes of students, a change is needed in classroom structure and customs to achieve better results for all students. I believe that everyone learns and thinks differently, so it’s important to consider all types of learning. 

“I will try again, tomorrow.”
