Reading Notes: Jewish Fairy Tales Part B

 King for Three Days

Godfrey de Bouillon character strengths: very brave soldier, very respected by his troops, persistent 

Godfrey de Bouillon character Weakness: very arrogant, lacks respect for others, wants to eliminate the Jewish population by means of war

Rashi: foretells Godfrey de Bouillon his fate of being king for three days, is not intimidated by Bouillon’s massive army, is one of the wisest Jews. 

Setting: During the Crusades when nothing was certain. I like how it refers to the area in which the story takes place as the “Holy Land”. 

Plot: The courageous leader seeks the advise of a Jewish prophet who tells him that he will achieve his goal of becoming a king, but it will come with great consequences. The leader ignores the prophecy and the King ends up with only 3 followers and no longer king. 

Hollywood casting idea: I would cast Godfrey de Bouillon as Chris Pratt and Rashi would be Michael Caine. 

Bibliography: Jewish Fairy Tales, King for Three Days, Jewish Fairy Tales and Legends, Gertrude Landa, Story Source: Link

Godfrey de Bouillon, Source: Wikipedia 
